Thursday, May 6, 2010

Be informed.

Think Plan B is safe? Right? In Emergency? Think again. Firstly I am a child of God, I got that way by repenting of my sins and asking Him to save me, live in my life and heart, and take me to heaven when I died. That being said I already know the answers to my first questions. However if anyone is searching for information about this drug then I hope that you stumble upon my post. Maybe it will save your life or your babys life. Take a minute and read the link to the info I'm posting. This drug is being pushed by its makers (ofcourse), it is not safe for a woman or young girl and it in may cases is being used by men as a form of protection on there part. If you are a woman be aware, do not allow anyone to give you pills to take unless you know where they are from. Please, please read this info

[url=] Blan B Emergency Pill [url]

All Women, young adults, Christians... need to be informed. Be informed!